Glacier National Park sock in with tourist from all over the world, crowds jam the park to see the great views from the Going to Sun Road. Nothing compares to the views from on top. To see the views the tourist crave takes commitment, determination, energy and risk along with the bushwhacking, cliffs, scree, talus, boulders, exposure, etc. to ascent to the summit of the parks mighty peaks. We started our hike and climb on reservation side of the park to the north of Divide Mountain. We drove down 2 miles down a two track off US 89 about 4.8 miles from St Mary to where it ended to the end near Divide Creek. We hiked on the reservation side of the creek for about 2 miles staying high, bushwhacking over downed trees from the July 2006 Red Eagle Fire. We crossed Divided Creek to start the ascent to summit. The route we took was the first ridge down from the mountain and was a class three all the way. Great views from the summit into the park and the St Mary area. Hardest part of the climb was the bushwhack on the reservation land. We did have one mishap on the climb which could happen to anyone. Climbing mountains is a hazardous recreation activity. One hiker did loose footing and balance on rock slab with loose small rocks on the slab and land face down on downed tree on a sharp extended branch and receive about 3-4 inch laceration on right top lobe of the forehead. Team responded and provided first aid and individual was able to hike out on his own without assistance. Once we got to the trailhead he was driven to Cut Bank emergency room. Lesson Learned: The climb was exploratory and recommended helmets for I did not know what to expect. Reflecting two years ago I had fall in Agassiz Glacier basin where I hit my head very hard on a rock. The blow did leave an imprint on helmet and it shook my brain and became very foggy and had to sit down for a few minutes. Later had headache and sore neck. I slipped on the algae on rock. I was wearing a helmet. I normally do not wear my helmet until I feel the risk requires it. That day I did, even by my judgment I would say the risk was not there. I believe to this day it saved my life. On the climb on Curly Bear I did not wear my helmet for I felt the risk was not there, but this day’s mishap I changed my risk factor on helmets. I believe the risk is there even it is as class three. Trauma to the head by recreational events is very high and could be serious. The group had helmets and we carried them up to summit and down. If the helmets were on this mishap would not of be as severe and would have prevented the laceration. Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Tim Anderson at twamontana@gmail.com. Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you. |
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