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Sun, Jan 26 2025 - Bowman Lake Cross Country Ski (View Original Event Details)

Coordinator(s): E Boxer
Participants:E Boxer, Krystal Taylor, Marina, Michael McNulty, Renee McNulty, Jean Petrangelo, Mike Petrangelo

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participants: Eric B., Krystal T., Jean and Mike P., Renee and Mike M., Marina. timing: 10:15am start, 3:00 to 4:00pm finish. 5 to 5.5 hrs RT. Seven skiers ventured up the North Fork valley on the last Sunday in January. Low clouds prevailed for most of the drive up, which had kept the temps warmer than expected (15oF instead of -5oF) overnight. We were the first cars at Polebridge RS at 10AM, but definitely not the first to ski up to Bowman Lk since the last snowfall. The road was well covered, and packed with snowshoe/ski tracks all the way up to the lake. Good ski grip was helpful in navigating the trail. By halfway to the lake, the clouds melted away and we had great views. The biggest surprise of the day was completely open water (no ice) on Bowman Lake. We took a small tour over to the W. side trail bridge and then headed down. Encountered very few other people. A fun group made it a great outing.

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