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Sat, Aug 27 2011 - Razoredge Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Coordinator(s): David Schuler, Greg Kushnak
Participants:Alan Wiley, Corwyn Wyman , Greg Kushnak, David Schuler, Ronnie Laudati, Denis Twohig, Scott Eklund, Kim Davis

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On a clear cool Saturday morning August 27th around 8 AM eight GMS members starting the 9.5 hike to the summit of Razoredge from the Cut Bank trailhead. From the Triple Divide continental divide to the summit was exploratory. The transit between Triple Divide and Razoredge along the continental divide was spectacular; from our viewpoint from a distance, it looked very challenging but turned out to be a very easy hike across. Once you get across to the east slope of Razoredge you start up the side and cross to the below the east peak which is not the true summit to the saddle between the two peaks. The true summit is the towering class four rocks. These rocks are very loose. Recommend helmets for this part of the climb. The best way to the summit is to go around on the south side up on the northwest side. The follow is the coordinates: 48-33.371N 113-30.980W, 48-33.367N 113-31.030W, 48-33.378N 113-30.995W and to the summit 48-33.4091N 113-30.9552W. As you proceed to the west along the south side, you see cairn’s in place from other climbers. The climb was fun, we had a great day. We could not have asked for better weather. Distance was 19.6 miles; Total elevation gain was 7,478 ft. It was a 12-hour day. Thanks again to the team. Honor to have Dennis Twohig, plank owner, one of our finding members of our club. When I was in the Coast Guard if you commission a ship you are consider a plank owner. Ronnie laudati with her vast knowledge of the park. Alan Wiley from Canada helped me in leading the way to the summit through the class four rocks. Greg Kushnak for helping me as our coordinator and his venturous spirit. Kim Davis coaching me along the class four route as he followed Alan to the summit and Scot Eklund and Corwyn Wyman for their positive supportive spirit throughout the day. The day was a win on the Crown of the Continent.

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