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Mon, Jul 16 2012 - Dragon's Tail (View Original Event Details)

Coordinator(s): Caroline Clemans, Jim Boyer
Participants:Caroline Clemans, Jim Boyer, Rick Murphy, Sue Shannon, Jim Young, Jim Schroeder, Jane Hunt, Ian MacCallum, Pat Keane-Richmond, Carly Hohf, Sue Braastad, Charlie Richmond

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We started at around 8 AM as planed and finished at around 5 PM a relaxed hike and climb. The Dragons Tail will have to wait for another day, snow fields in the route kept the group of 12 from climbing safely so we chose an alternative which was ( 9125 ft Mount Reynolds ). All but one reached the summit, was the first time for several of the Glacier Mountaineers, all had a great time. Caroline answered all the botany question that she could and it didn't slow the progress of the climb . We couldn't have ask for a better group to spend the day with.We all made the trip safe and sound to and fro. Jim Schroeder, Mike Murphy, Ian MacCallum, Sue Braastad, Sue Shannon, Charlie Richmond, Pat Richmond, Jan Hunt, Jim Hunt, Jim Young, Caroline Clemans, Carly Putman and Jim Boyer. A great time at the tail gate to go over past and future climbs. Thanks to all for making such a great day Jim Boyer and Caroline Clemans.

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